NINEXL Exp - Imp is one of the country’s leading Exp - Imp companies with well developed online business. Our product range covers designer bags, candles, indoor and outdoor living, and farm shop products as well as for catering industry. With a Head Office based in Bristol, we currently source our product range from over 950 suppliers from the UK and abroad.
We recognize that we alone cannot change the political and social conditions of the countries in which we do business, however, by working responsibly, and collaborating with our supply base. We will continue to further understand, influence and reduce the impact that our products have on the welfare of workers and the environment they work in. Where possible, we try to source all our products from suppliers who demonstrate and are committed to delivering our Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct covers matters such as forced labour, child trafficking and criminal exploitation. NINEXL Exp - Imp has strong employment and ethical standards and a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery within our business and supply chain. All, NINEXL Exp - Imp colleagues are expected to report concerns through line management or our dedicated protector line (0117 955 7XXX) or email directly: We also encourage our suppliers to have the same level of feedback and transparency in place.
Within our business, our policy is to monitor all potential breaches and manage each accordingly. However, we are pleased to announce that during the last year, we have had no reported issues where modern slavery has been highlighted as an issue within our business or supply chain. Within the supply base, compliance to requests and encouragement to participate with this practice is monitored. Where we feel certain suppliers are deliberately avoiding cooperation with these requests, we will cease trading with that supplier. The numbers of suppliers failing to cooperate or considered high risk are also monitored.
Supplier mapping is taking place of our full supply base to understand the origins of our supply chains. Where suppliers are using labour in countries where modern slavery is a known issue, further investigations and evidence of compliance is sought from such suppliers. These suppliers are flagged as high risk until satisfactory evidence of compliance is received.
The NINEXL Exp - Imp’s buying team have been trained in modern slavery and in how to recognize potential risks. They along with all our staff are committed to our policy and our requirements of our suppliers. Further awareness training will be conducted in early 2022 with our store managers and in how to identify potential risks within our own business.